On 1 January 2014 08:13, Christian Weisgerber <na...@mips.inka.de> wrote:
> mufurcz <mufu...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> http://www.itnews.com.au/News/368564,server-vendors-named-in-nsa-spying-toolkit.aspx
> That's just a summary article about Applebaum's 30C3 talk.  I don't

Yes, might just go to it directly:


> know if any part of the English-language press has picked up on
> this in equivalent detail, but Der Spiegel has published part of
> the NSA's actual 2008 spy gear catalog that makes for interesting
> reading, including such tidbits as unit cost and development status:
> http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/interaktive-grafik-hier-sitzen-die-spaeh-werkzeuge-der-nsa-a-941030.html
> Just click on the marked spots on the image map to pop up individual
> galleries.  Don't miss the right part of the map.  You can ignore
> the German text, which is just explanations for people who don't
> know computers or English.

There's an English version of this Interactive Graphic page, too:


Also, a complete set of all the pages from the alleged catalogue is
available on a single page, via



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