On 02/04/14 00:27, Simon Drewitz wrote:
> Hi misc@,
> I have set up mail(1) so that it forwards mails such as the output of
> /etc/daily to my mail account and now I want to encrypt these mails
> using my public gpg-key. The best solution I have come up with is
> changing these two lines at the end of /etc/daily:
> - } 2>&1 | mail -s "`hostname` daily output" root
> + } 2>&1 | gpg2 --encrypt -r <key-ID> --armor | mail -s "`hostname` daily 
> output" root
> ...
> - [ -s $MAINOUT ] && mail -s "`hostname` daily insecurity output" root < 
> + [ -s $MAINOUT ] && gpg2 --encrypt -r <key-ID> --armor < $MAINOUT | mail -s 
> "`hostname` daily insecurity output" root
> While it perfectly does what I want, I consider it bad habit to change
> /etc/daily itself and would like to know if there is any preferred
> solution to this issue?

I don't know about preferred, but I believe adding this to daily.local
would also solve your issue (and leave other mail to root untouched):

mail() {
        gpg2 --encrypt -r <key-ID> --armor | /usr/bin/mail "$@"


> Thanks in advance
> Simon

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