Em 10-02-2014 00:53, Nick Holland escreveu:
> On 02/09/14 14:31, VaZub wrote:
>> Sorry, my bad - I assumed that it was only natural for newcomers to
>> copy the file and edit it afterwards instead of creating it from
>> scratch to override some values.
> If you can figure out how to help me write documentation to override
> people's assumptions, please let me know.  I feel a Get Rich Quick
> coming on if you can...
>> Obviously, this assumption was based
>> on my ignorance and therefore wrong. You are also right to point out
>> that to "copy the lines" is not the same as "copy the whole file" - I
>> must have missed this particular distinction.
>> The only thing I can put in my defense is that I might have been
>> mislead to some extent by a particular piece of text -
>> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade47.html#rc.conf. Of course, it is
>> outdated and should not be taken for granted in regards to version
>> 5.4, but it was one of few leads I've found when trying to fix my
>> problem with rc.conf.local file.
> And if you noticed the CONTEXT (you have in the past edited the wrong
> file) and the warning part in italics (delete the line that re-invokes
> this same file -- there twice, in slightly different wording!), it would
> have been quite useful today, too.
>> Nevertheless, please forgive me for my foolish assumptions and for
>> taking your time. And thanks for clearing things up.
> There's an art to getting people to read what is on the page and not
> what is in their mind.  I may be better than some at this, but
> obviously, I have a long way to go. :)
> Nick.
The main issue here is, that, the human brain, although being this
wonderful machine, makes a lot of assumptions to fill in the gaps, even
when there are *no *gaps to be filled. I don't know if the documentation
needs to be clearer in this specific case. Perhaps we could use the same
text from the faq, since it is a little more explicit on what you need
to do. I'll write a patch and send it to tech@.


Giancarlo Razzolini
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