On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 07:21:18PM -0800, Rob Fabry wrote:
> I'm trying to install OpenBSD on a new machine so I can learn how
> to setup a
> router, but running into a strange problem.
> A Supermicro 5015A-H with Intel
> Atom 330 at 1.6 GHz
> When I tried to install the unbound package, it can't
> find it
> (even though it's in the directory, and the shell autocompletes
> the
> name)
> # pkg_add unbound_1.4.20.tgz
> Can't find package unbound_1.4.20.tgz
> (adding multiple -v doesn't elaborate on the problem)
> since the pkg_add
> didn't work, I thought I'd try some
> # pkg_check
> Packing-list sanity: ok
> Direct
> dependencies: ok
> Reverse dependencies: ok
> Files from packages: ok
> Can't locate
> object method "new" via package "OpenBSD::PkgSpec" at
> ?/usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgCheck.pm line 713

Yes, it looks like an issue in pkg_check on OpenBSD 5.4 :)

Go install the pkglocatedb  package manually, from the location of the
error, it's almost certainly that.

(when pkg_check finds some files that don't belong to any package, it
should go recheck thru pkglocatedb where those are supposed to live---this
is most often due to fsck issues where files are there but not registered
and pkg_check will use pkglocatedb to locate the packages it should repair)

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