On Mon 17 Feb 2014 12:54:23 PM CST, mx1.foretell.ca wrote:
Mailertable would be a good approach, no?

Hm. Not quite what I was looking for, unless you can use wildcards in the mailertable. I literally want all local mail "proxied", if you will, to the mailhost.

So far, it looks like an smtpd.conf that consists of:
  listen on lo0
  accept from local for any deliver to lmtp central.mail.host:587

assuming I have Dovecot or similar LMTP-capable LDA running on the central mail server. If not, I would simply change the 2nd line to

   "accept from local for any relay via central.mail.host"

...and that looks about as simple a solution as I can come up with.


-Adam Thompson

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