On 3/03/2014 22:59, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
Axel Scheepers <axel.scheep...@xs4all.nl> writes:

Can anyone tell me about the difference in price regarding a cdset in EU?

original ca $50           36.41 (CA)
mensys eur 50,- vat incl. 60.50 (NL)
comcol.nl same as mensys, 60,50 (NL)
getdigital(de)            39,00 (DE)
lehmanns media            39,95 (DE)
My guess is that the differences between the EU outlets comes in apart
at least from the size of batches they order -- larger orders get

I've tended to order from the CA one unless early copies have turned
up at a conference I've been to and I hadn't gotten around to order
yet.  And I suppose there is a better range T-shirts and other related
mercandise if you order from there.

I've had a few of the packages from Canada stopped for extra customs
inspection (with an aditional fee, of course), but it's been a while
since that happened. That in turn could mean the Norwegian customs
organization are actually learning to spend their resources wisely.

- Peter
Looks like those customs guys moved to Belgium... :( I never had issues with customs before until now. Now they want to charge me 86€ on taxes on a shipment of 240€! Though luck guys, I'm not paying that. I rather send 86€ to the project so I'm sure the money is used for something useful.

PS: For those ordering stuff in the Computer Shop from Belgium: keep the total cost below 150€. Below 150€ they "only" charge you 12€ for "administrative costs" + 21% VAT on the whole package price (or they don't charge you at whole like I had with all my previous shipments). For shipments above 150€ (first time for me) they charge you 30€ +21% VAT.


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