Le dimanche 9 mars 2014, 10:06:43 Adam Thompson a écrit :
> I'm trying to use Dovecot as the LDA for local mail delivery out of
> SMTPD in 5.4-RELEASE, but I'm having some difficulty.  (I want Sieve
> support, which smtpd doesn't have natively.)
> smtpd is willing todeliver mail to mboxes, maildirs, other smtp
> servers, and the dovecot LDA, so the problem appears isolated to
> Firstly, although the smtpd.conf manpage documents "deliver to lmtp
> [host:port | socket]", there's no documentation on the URI format
> for the socket option.  Through trial and error, it appears to be
> "socket:///absolute/path/to/socket", but this still doesn't
> actually work for me.
> Secondly, the only way I can see ANY information whatsoever about
> MDA failures appears to be if I run "smtpd -d -v" at the
> command-line.  Even with syslog reconfigured to log mail.* events,
> smtpd doesn't appear to log anything about MDA/LDA/LMTP failures.
> Thirdly, with "deliver to lmtp socket:/var/dovecot/lmtp", I get this
> error: delivery: TempFail for fa75e116051e0c9b:
> from=<r...@mail.customhosting.ca>, to=<r...@mail.customhosting.ca>,
> user=notroot, method=lmtp, delay=18m45s, stat=Error ("smtpd: service
> not supported for ai_socktype")
> I finally got "deliver to mda" with dovecot-lda working so I'm in
> reasonable shape for now, but I'm baffled by what I did wrong with
> LMTP configuration.
> Any ideas on what the correct syntax might be, or if this is just a
> bug?
> Thanks,
> -Adam

I have the same will as you (sieve, dovecot, smtpd) and everything
works perfect now concerning this different points.

here is my smtpd conf line :

accept from any for domain "22decembre.eu"      alias <aliases>
deliver to lmtp "/var/dovecot/lmtp"

As you can see, you don't use a "socket://" but just the path.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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