I'm trying to track down the source of what is causing output errors on vlan
interfaces for 2 separate physical systems.  For example when looking at
netstat between 2 different runs the values are always incrementing:

netstat -s -f inet -I vlan800 && echo && sleep 5 && netstat -s -f inet -I
Name    Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts
Oerrs Colls
vlan800 1500  <Link>      00:1c:23:e1:cf:48 187689428     0
148043392 262767     0

Name    Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts
Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs Colls
vlan800 1500  <Link>      00:1c:23:e1:cf:48
187691085     0 148044677 262770     0

Name    Mtu   Network     Address
             Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs Colls
vlan200 1500  <Link>    
 00:1c:23:e1:cf:48 18139570     0 18645286 40217     0
vlan300 1500  <Link>  
   00:1c:23:e1:cf:48  2562460     0  3460373  2720     0

vlan500 1500  <Link>
     00:1c:23:e1:cf:48 112356993     0 141163651 158443     0

The hardware
is 2 Dell PowerEdge 860 servers using the onboard Broadcom BCM5721 NICs. Each
system is attached to a different Procurve switch with the 2 onboard NICs in a
LACP trunk configuration. The 2 systems are setup in an HA configuration using
carp/pf that runs very well.  When looking for any type of issues on the
switch ports they come back clean for all uplinks to the Dells:
(Since boot or last clear) :                                    
   FCS Rx    
     : 0                  Drops Rx        : 0                 
   Alignment Rx
   : 0                  Collisions Tx   : 0                 
   Runts Rx      
 : 0                  Late Colln Tx   : 0                 
   Giants Rx      
: 0                  Excessive Colln : 0                 
   Total Rx Errors :
0                  Deferred Tx     : 0                 

The same behavior is
mimicked on both systems as the counters start incrementing when failing over
the carp interfaces between the peers. Another oddity that is the physical
interfaces show no output errors just input errors:

# netstat -ni
Name    Mtu
  Network     Address              Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs Colls
 1500  <Link>      00:1c:23:e1:cf:48 284587839 103261 120699706     0     0
bge0    1500  fe80::%bge0 fe80::21c:23ff:fe 284587839 103261 120699706     0  
bge1    1500  <Link>      00:1c:23:e1:cf:48 61755734   193 233219963     0
bge1    1500  fe80::%bge1 fe80::21c:23ff:fe 61755734   193 233219963    
0     0
trunk0  1500  <Link>      00:1c:23:e1:cf:48 346220631     0
353798619   167     0
trunk0  1500  192.168.201    346220631  
  0 353798619   167     0
trunk0  1500  fe80::%trun fe80::21c:23ff:fe
346220631     0 353798619   167     0

Any advice would be appreciated on
what else to look for that is causing these errors.


info if it helps:
# netstat -sn  
        461996032 total packets received
        21 bad header checksums
        0 with size smaller than minimum
  0 with data size < data length
        0 with header length < data size
    0 with data length < header length
        0 with bad options
with incorrect version number
        0 fragments received
        0 fragments
dropped (duplicates or out of space)
        0 malformed fragments dropped
    0 fragments dropped after timeout
        0 packets reassembled ok
136026433 packets for this host
        0 packets for unknown/unsupported
        324667376 packets forwarded
        550005 packets not
        0 redirects sent
        11050218 packets sent from this
        192 packets sent with fabricated ip header
        0 output
packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
        0 output packets discarded due to
no route
        187636 output datagrams fragmented
        187734 fragments
        17589 datagrams that can't be fragmented
        0 fragment
        0 packets with ip length > max ip packet size
tunneling packets that can't find gif
        0 datagrams with bad address in
        347724405 input datagrams checksum-processed by hardware
  356771381 output datagrams checksum-processed by hardware
multicast packets which we don't join
        1171928 calls to
        0 errors not generated because old message was icmp
Output packet histogram:
                echo reply: 295802
destination unreachable: 1143260
                time exceeded: 4
messages with bad code fields
        0 messages < minimum length
bad checksums
        4 messages with bad length
        64 echo requests to
broadcast/multicast rejected
        Input packet histogram:
echo reply: 22496
                destination unreachable: 22342
  source quench: 17
                routing redirect: 172
echo: 295866
                time exceeded: 1172
        295802 message
responses generated
        0 messages received
        0 messages
received with too few bytes
        0 messages received with bad checksum
    0 membership queries received
        0 membership queries received with
invalid field(s)
        0 membership reports received
        0 membership
reports received with invalid field(s)
        0 membership reports received
for groups to which we belong
        0 membership reports sent
  57134945 total input packets
        35134787 total output packets
packets shorter than header shows
        0 packets dropped due to policy
    0 packets with possibly spoofed local addresses
        0 packets were
dropped due to full output queue
        49913523155 input bytes
4430739176 output bytes
        0 protocol family mismatches
attempts to use tunnel with unspecified endpoint(s)
packets sent
                380576 data packets (116608967 bytes)
    191 data packets (58379 bytes) retransmitted
                0 fast
retransmitted packets
                160818 ack-only packets (253609 delayed)
                0 URG only packets
                0 window probe packets
            225 window update packets
                26297 control packets
              0 packets hardware-checksummed
        665199 packets received
              397789 acks (for 116554934 bytes)
duplicate acks
                0 acks for unsent data
                0 acks
for old data
                254664 packets (6360099 bytes) received
                112 completely duplicate packets (17247 bytes)
            0 old duplicate packets
                0 packets with some
duplicate data (0 bytes duplicated)
                1792 out-of-order packets
(123317 bytes)
                0 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
          0 window probes
                4641 window update packets
      2 packets received after close
                70 discarded for bad
                0 discarded for bad header offset fields
    0 discarded because packet too short
                0 discarded for
missing IPsec protection
                0 discarded due to memory shortage
              663599 packets hardware-checksummed
bad/missing md5 checksums
                0 good md5 checksums
connection requests
        25814 connection accepts
        25907 connections
established (including accepts)
        27115 connections closed (including 11
        0 connections drained
        80 embryonic connections dropped
        396180 segments updated rtt (of 357857 attempts)
retransmit timeouts
                2 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
      0 persist timeouts
        330 keepalive timeouts
keepalive probes sent
                66 connections dropped by keepalive
    16172 correct ACK header predictions
        189395 correct data packet
header predictions
        68511 PCB cache misses
        0 ECN connections
                0 ECE packets received
                0 CWR packets
                0 CE packets received
                0 ECT packets
                0 ECE packets sent
                0 CWR packets sent
                    cwr by fastrecovery: 56
                        cwr by
timeout: 413
                        cwr by ecn: 0
        4 bad connection
        25818 SYN cache entries added
                0 hash
                25814 completed
                0 aborted (no space
to build PCB)
                0 timed out
                0 dropped due to
                0 dropped due to bucket overflow
dropped due to RST
                0 dropped due to ICMP unreachable
SYN,ACK retransmitted
        5 duplicate SYNs received for entries already in
the cache
        0 SYNs dropped (no route or no space)
        56 SACK
recovery episodes
                119 segment rexmits in SACK recovery
                104056 byte rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
2111 SACK options received
        121 SACK options sent
datagrams received
        0 with incomplete header
        0 with bad data
length field
        15745905 with bad checksum
        223 with no checksum
      6389398 input packets hardware-checksummed
        0 output packets
        383238 dropped due to no socket
broadcast/multicast datagrams dropped due to no socket
        0 dropped due
to missing IPsec protection
        0 dropped due to full socket buffers
  18446744073702145091 delivered
        8829333 datagrams output
7670323 missed PCB cache
        57135654 input ESP packets
35134787 output ESP packets
        0 packets from unsupported protocol
        0 packets shorter than header shows
        0 packets dropped
due to policy
        257 packets for which no TDB was found
        0 input
packets that failed to be processed
        0 packets with bad encryption
        0 packets that failed verification received
        0 packets
for which no XFORM was set in TDB received
        0 packets were dropped due
to full output queue
        0 packets where counter wrapping was detected
    2 possibly replayed packets received
        0 packets with bad payload
size or padding received
        450 packets attempted to use an invalid TDB
      0 packets got larger than max IP packet size
        0 packets that
failed crypto processing
        0 input UDP encapsulated ESP packets
0 output UDP encapsulated ESP packets
        0 UDP packets for
non-encapsulating TDB received
        51434523840 input bytes
4430739176 output bytes
        0 input AH packets
        0 output AH
        0 packets from unsupported protocol families
        0 packets
shorter than header shows
        0 packets dropped due to policy
packets for which no TDB was found
        0 input packets that failed to be
        0 packets that failed verification received
packets for which no XFORM was set in TDB received
        0 packets were
dropped due to full output queue
        0 packets where counter wrapping was
        0 possibly replayed packets received
        0 packets with
bad authenticator length received
        0 packets attempted to use an
invalid TDB
        0 packets got larger than max IP packet size
packets that failed crypto processing
        0 input bytes
        0 output
        0 packets shorter than header shows
        0 packets
were dropped due to full output queue
        0 packets were dropped because
of no interface/bridge information
        0 packets dropped due to policy
    0 packets dropped for other reasons
        0 input ethernet-in-IP packets
        0 output ethernet-in-IP packets
        0 input bytes
        0 output
        0 input IPCOMP packets
        0 output IPCOMP packets
      0 packets from unsupported protocol families
        0 packets shorter
than header shows
        0 packets dropped due to policy
        0 packets
for which no TDB was found
        0 input packets that failed to be processed
        0 packets for which no XFORM was set in TDB received
        0 packets
were dropped due to full output queue
        0 packets where counter wrapping
was detected
        0 packets attempted to use an invalid TDB
packets got larger than max IP packet size
        0 packets that failed
(de)compression processing
        0 packets less than minimum compression
        0 input bytes
        0 output bytes
        172 packets
received (IPv4)
        0 packets received (IPv6)
                0 packets
discarded for bad interface
                0 packets discarded for wrong TTL
                0 packets shorter than header
                0 discarded for
bad checksums
                0 discarded packets with a bad version
      0 discarded because packet too short
                0 discarded for bad
                0 discarded for unknown vhid
discarded because of a bad address list
        3636624 packets sent (IPv4)
      0 packets sent (IPv6)
                123 send failed due to mbuf memory
        17 transitions to master
        8184881 packets
received (IPv4)
        0 packets received (IPv6)
                0 packets
discarded for bad interface
                0 packets discarded for bad ttl
              0 packets shorter than header
                0 packets
discarded for bad version
                0 packets discarded for bad HMAC
            0 packets discarded for bad action
                0 packets
discarded for short packet
                0 states discarded for bad values
              4 stale states
                2217516 failed state
        17209508 packets sent (IPv4)
        0 packets sent
                0 send failed due to mbuf memory error
0 send error
        0 total packets received
        0 dropped due to
no socket
        0 dropped due to full socket buffers
        0 packets
        0 errors
        189470 flows sent
        8044 packets
                0 send failed due to mbuf memory error
send error
        1233164 total packets received
        0 with size
smaller than minimum
        0 with data size < data length
        0 with bad
        0 with incorrect version number
        0 fragments received
      0 fragments dropped (duplicates or out of space)
        0 fragments
dropped after timeout
        0 fragments that exceeded limit
packets reassembled ok
        0 packets for this host
        0 packets
        0 packets not forwardable
        0 redirects sent
136 packets sent from this host
        0 packets sent with fabricated ip
        0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
        0 output
packets discarded due to no route
        0 output datagrams fragmented
  0 fragments created
        0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
packets that violated scope rules
        0 multicast packets which we don't
        Input packet histogram:
                hop by hop: 19144
        UDP: 1187768
                ICMP6: 26252
        Mbuf statistics:
            0 one mbufs
                1233164 one ext mbufs
0 two or more ext mbufs
        0 tunneling packets that can't find gif
  0 packets discarded due to too many headers
        0 failures of source
address selection
        source addresses on an outgoing I/F
1 node-local
                17 link-locals
        source addresses of same
                1 node-local
                17 link-locals
forward cache hit
        0 forward cache miss
        0 total
packets received
        0 dropped due to no socket
        0 dropped due to
full socket buffers
        0 packets output
        0 errors
1233181 calls to icmp6_error
        0 errors not generated because old
message was icmp6 or so
        0 errors not generated because of rate
        Output packet histogram:
                multicast listener
report: 104
                multicast listener done: 4
neighbor solicitation: 11
                neighbor advertisement: 17
messages with bad code fields
        0 messages < minimum length
bad checksums
        0 messages with bad length
        Histogram of error
messages to be generated:
                0 no route
administratively prohibited
                0 beyond scope
address unreachable
                1233181 port unreachable
packet too big
                0 time exceed transit
                0 time
exceed reassembly
                0 erroneous header field
unrecognized next header
                0 unrecognized option
0 redirect
                0 unknown
        0 message responses generated
    0 messages with too many ND options
        0 messages with bad ND options
        0 bad neighbor solicitation messages
        0 bad neighbor
advertisement messages
        0 bad router solicitation messages
bad router advertisement messages
        0 bad redirect messages
path MTU changes
        0 messages received
        0 messages received
with too few bytes
        0 messages received with bad checksum
messages received with bad version
        0 registers received
        0 bad
registers received
        0 registers sent
        0 messages received
        0 checksum calculations on inbound
        0 messages with bad
        0 messages dropped due to no socket
        0 multicast
messages dropped due to no socket
        0 messages dropped due to full
socket buffers
        0 delivered
        0 datagrams output

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