Not sure about playing remotely, but if you add the "sox" package, you
get tools to generate files or directly to audio out.  The following
play the tones to your audio output:

play -n synth 0.5 sine 697 sine 1209 channels 1
play -n synth 0.5 sine 941 sine 1336 channels 1

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Byron Klippert <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to generate DTMF tones using the tools in base?
> I am trying to open a "live" audio path over IP from one node to
> another. The audio path is fed into a controlling device which
> interfaces with a VHF radio. In order to key-up the radio, the
> controlling device needs to see a DTMF code (1 to key, 0 to unkey). Any
> audio sent to the device between keying and unkeying, is sent to the
> radio and over air.
> I'm guessing an ssh-tunnel will server as the "path", just not sure
> which framework can be used to record and play audio, let alone generate
> Any pointers?
> --
> Byron Klippert
>   c. 867-336-1306

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