> I've been thinking about upgrading my Alix 2d3 board to the new 
> apu1c/apu1c4 (http://www.pcengines.ch/apu1c.htm) - I think there was 
> some availability a few weeks ago but now the site says they are out of 
> stock until April 5, 2014 (http://www.pcengines.ch/order1.php?c=4).  
> Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has had a chance to test one of these 
> boards yet with OpenBSD?  If so, what are your thoughts?  Any issues 
> with the Realtek RTL8111E?

Some of these machines are in the group.  They are nice
machines.. we've been able to play with them using some workarounds.

The BIOS is not ready yet, it has a variety of problems.  We are
working with PC-Engines to get them fixed.  It isn't just OpenBSD that
is affected.  I don't think it will take long.

A new BIOS can be flashed, but the process is a little bit annoying in
this state (once OpenBSD works natively, it will be easier to load the
tools and do it).

So perhaps wait just a little while longer, so that you can get a
machine with the right BIOS.

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