On 14-04-03 7:04 PM, Martin Braun wrote:
As we all know on the front page of OpenBSD it says "Only two remote holes
in the default install, in a heck of a long time".

I don't understand why this is "such a big deal".

Not 3 days ago, I isolated suspicious network activity to a "high-end" networking product (microwave transmitter to be precise). Some exploit was most probably used to break into a privileged shell through the GUI, disable logs, re-configure name-server settings, bust cgi's causing control loss of the underlying system (reboot? What's that? RTFD? what's that?), and start flinging spam. Said product does use some flava of linux as a base, though which is a closely guarded secret.

Not trying to bash linux (there are many, far easier ways of doing so). But, an autonomous, single-purpose device, being turned into spam spewing brain-dead zombie on account of some kind of remote hole or holes? Amusement++
Use of high-end copy-pasta'd from the manufacturer's website.

Sometimes all the left hand needs to know is where the right hand is, so it 
knows where to point the blame.

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