Theo de Raadt <deraadt <at>> writes:

> So then a bug shows up which leaks the content of memory mishandled by
> that layer.  If the memoory had been properly returned via free, it
> would likely have been handed to munmap, and triggered a daemon crash
> instead of leaking your keys.

So maybe you're right.  Maybe we should all have these protections.  I
know glibc has some, but I don't think it just crashes out if you
malloc(16) and read 65000 bytes.  It will if you're at top of heap
(should I say top of brk() to sound like I know what I'm talking about?)
and hit an unmapped page; but the heap is one continuous mapped region,
and you'll wind up all over it.

So most of OpenSSL isn't run on OpenBSD.  We have appliances that are
vulnerable--FortiNet stuff, SonicWall stuff.  Lots of RedHat, Fedora,
CentOS, SuSE, Ubuntu, Debian, whatever machines.  Basically everyone's

This vulnerability would have been found if, before release of 1.0.1,
someone would have taken a packet analyzer to OpenSSL and tried this.
Regardless of your OpenBSD special memory allocation leak condom, a
bunch of data coming back when you should see 4 bytes says "something
is very wrong here".

So we assume it wouldn't have been found.  If we did anything to trigger
the bug, it would crash on OpenBSD, in Theo's ideal world; as apparently
nobody triggered the bug, it still would have not crashed on OpenBSD,
in Theo's ideal world.  (We'll pretend Theo's ideal world is limited to
coding concerns in OpenSSL, and doesn't involve everyone running OpenBSD
or an OpenBSD-like malloc() implementation.)

The moment this went out, some blackhat may have secretly analyzed the
diff between 1.0 and 1.0.1 and gone, "Oh lol!"  Or maybe saw the new
support for TLS Heartbeat and gone, "Hey man, a new feature.  I bet I
can break it!"  Security researchers took until 1.0.1f to do this.

Even ignoring the full disclosure, a responsible disclosure would have
shifted distribution packages around immediately when the new code
went up.  Every distribution has a network of friends in every other
distribution who are all hooking up with upstream developers so that
they all know about security vulnerabilities before they're out.
Every distribution packages a patched binary before upstream drops
code.  Every distribution is ready to throw that thing right up on
the mirrors immediately, one second after the code release hits the
upstream repositories.

And several hours later, sysadmins start noticing there's a security

Some of us patch immediately, in production.  Some of us have to run
through evaluation, risk analysis (this takes me, personally, between
ten seconds and ten minutes), testing, then final roll-out.  Some of
us need an hour; some of us need weeks.

We're already hours behind.

Between blackhats maybe finding the bug and not saying anything,
blackhats analyzing the bug between announcement and the sysadmin
noticing, and blackhats analyzing the bug between sysadmins noticing
and patching, you have this big window of "maybe we were hacked, and
we have no real way to tell."

Congratulations:  your Chief Information Security Engineer is
Schrödinger's Cat.

Your keys may have been stolen.  Or not.  You can patch quickly, but
then you assume nobody has stolen your keys in the first hour or
twelve that the exploit became known.

So, no.  Even if OpenSSL were developed "responsibly" by the standards
of Theo, 99.999% of everything would still be vulnerable.  Hell, even
with "Responsible Disclosure", our only reasonable response to this
bug is to revoke and reissue 99.999% of all SSL certificates ever
issued.  And that's even considering just how much of a huge advantage
responsible disclosure would have given us in terms of response time,
as I've illustrated.

This is not a situation where the programmers would have saved us all
the headache by not tweaking away an OpenBSD protection.  That was
never a thing.  Good PR for that protection--and maybe we should look
at implementing it everywhere; I don't know, I don't understand it and
thus can't analyze the risks or costs--but it's not something that, as
a protection only available currently on OpenBSD, would have actually
changed the situation.

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