
I have been using Openbgpd on Openbsd from last 3 years without any issue.
We are having two upstream providers with full route. Suddenly last week, i
observed that our network became unreachable from internet and sometimes
fluctuating in terms of reachability. I checked the bgp session using
bgpctl show summary which was showing bgp session alive and
PrfRcvd(Received prefix) from our peers was fine.

When i tried to ping to both peers WAN IP or any inetrnet ip, it was
telling "no route to host".

When i connected peers wan ip to standalone system and tried pinging, it
was pinging.

I was not able to figure out the issue and after 45-60 minutes,
automatically everything got rectified and became normal.

I am not having any idea about this issue and want to explore to avoid such
situations in production environment. Kindly assist.

Thanks and regards,
*Randhir Prakash*

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