On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 9:47 PM, Nex6|Bill <n6gh...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Kinda new to OpenBSD, (have a couple of 5.4 installs in VMs); whats the 
> standard for alias's? i added it to the .profile but some googling seems to
> indicate that that wont work. that you have to export, and do an .kshrc file? 
> so whats the "standard?"

As Eric noted, reading the ksh(1) manpage is a start.

My rule of thumb is that shell settings fall into two groups:
 * those that are inherited or only need to be done once per session:
environment variables, umask, stty settings
 * those that need to be done by each shell process: shell functions,
aliases, unexported variables, bind changes

The former go in your .profile.  The latter go in a file of your
choice which you point the ENV variable at, which you export in your
.profile.  So:

umask 002
export ENV=~/.kshrc
export PAGER=less
export HOSTNAME=$(hostname)
stty -ixon -ixoff ixany status ^T

l() { ls -la "$@"; }
PS1=": ${HOSTNAME%%.*}; "

and so on.

Philip Guenther

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