Hello list,

I worry about my 5.1 servers being at risk due to the heartbleed bug, as they 
report openssl 1.0.1f which is known to be vulnerable:

mgate1:~ # uname -a
OpenBSD mgate1.itlabs.bg 5.1 GENERIC#2 amd64

mgate1:~ # openssl version -a
OpenSSL 1.0.0f 4 Jan 2012
built on: date not available
platform: information not available
options:  bn(64,64) rc4(8x,int) des(idx,cisc,16,int) blowfish(idx)
compiler: information not available
OPENSSLDIR: "/etc/ssl"

(These 5.1s are installed using openbsd-stable.org builds.)

I've seen claims that OBSD 5.2 and below and not affected, which seems to 
contradict the fact that mine has that particular openssl version.

Can someone help me sort this out?

Thanks in advance!

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