I'm pretty sure that Linux does not manufacture disklabels that are
compatible with OpenBSD. And visa versa! And if you're
creating/mounting filesystems you are *not* an unprivileged user and
you *definitely* can crash systems if you're not careful. :-)

That said, if you can provide details on the crash this particular one
may be avoidable.

.... Ken

On 26 April 2014 11:41, Z <z...@odm.li> wrote:
> Hi, I've never used mailing lists so please correct mistakes and forgive
> me if this is not a bug, but as I understand it you should not be able
> to crash the kernel as an unpriviledged user.
> In brief, I was trying to format a usb stick as ext2, and was going back
> and forth between linux and openbsd to get it working on both (I'm
> fairly new to openbsd). The disklabel I ended up with is pasted below.
> It seems misconfigured, but is the result of using (on arch linux)
> cfdisk to delete all partitions and create a new one, and then mkfs.ext2
> to create the filesystem. Previously I had created a working ext2
> partition on openbsd, but linux could not read it.
> I can mount this disk fine, but when I go to list the mount directory
> with ls -l, the whole computer crashes. I've verified this is true many
> times both at the console and also when ssh'd into the pc. It just
> freezes and accepts no input. The ssh connection hangs. Nothing except a
> physical poweroff does anything.
> I should point out that the usb stick can be read and written to
> normally on linux, so it doesn't seem to be a physical hardware problem.
> I should also say that the method I'm using to mount the stick as a non
> priviledged user seems a little fishy - namely chmodding 660 /dev/sd1*
> and making my user a member of the operators group. Or perhaps this is
> the normal way on OpenBSD, I don't know.
> I'm using 5.4 on an IBM Thinkpad T60. I'm happy to post a full
> dmesg/usbdevs/pcidump etc if it helps, but thought it might be too much
> for a first post.
>> disklabel sd1
> # /dev/rsd1c:
> type: SCSI
> disk: SCSI disk
> label: Cruzer Blade
> duid: 704ebc363be23fd4
> flags:
> bytes/sector: 512
> sectors/track: 63
> tracks/cylinder: 255
> sectors/cylinder: 16065
> cylinders: 973
> total sectors: 15633408
> boundstart: 0
> boundend: 15633408
> drivedata: 0
> 16 partitions:
> #                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
>   a:         15633408                0  ext2fs                   # 
> /home/z/mounts/key
>   c:         15633408                0 ISO9660
>> disklabel -d sd1
> # /dev/rsd1c:
> type: SCSI
> disk: SCSI disk
> label: Cruzer Blade
> duid: 0000000000000000
> flags:
> bytes/sector: 512
> sectors/track: 63
> tracks/cylinder: 255
> sectors/cylinder: 16065
> cylinders: 973
> total sectors: 15633408
> boundstart: 0
> boundend: 15633408
> drivedata: 0
> 16 partitions:
> #                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
>   c:         15633408                0  unused
>   i:         15633346               62  ext2fs
> PS - excuse the email username "z" - I haven't got around to properly
> configuring smtpd yet.

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