On 2014-04-26, Denis Fondras <open...@ledeuns.net> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm creating a port for x2goclient (http://www.x2go.org/) but I don't
> want to build the browser plugin and the documentation, only the heavy
> client. So instead of the regular "make", I have to launch "make
> build_client".
> Here is my Makefile :
> --8<---
> # AGPL-3+
> COMMENT=        X2GO is for having a graphical desktop of computers over
> a low bandwidth connection.
> DISTNAME=       x2goclient-
> REVISION=       1
> CATEGORIES=     x11 net
> MASTER_SITES=   http://code.x2go.org/releases/source/x2goclient/
> HOMEPAGE=       http://www.x2go.org/
> LIB_DEPENDS=    x11/nx/nxproxy
> NO_TEST=        Yes
> --8<---
> I tried to add "MAKE_FLAGS= build_client" or change to "CONFIGURE_STYLE=
> make build_client" but without success.
> Currently I have a patch-Makefile file to strip the x2goclient Makefile
> and remove everything I won't build but it doesn't seem very clean.
> What is the usual way to do this ?
> Thanks you in advance,
> Denis


(Please direct any replies to ports@ where this should have originally gone..)

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