I'll be taking a peek based on what I see in his traceback.  Travelling at
the moment.
On 9 May 2014 06:44, "Philip Guenther" <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 8:14 PM, STeve Andre' <and...@msu.edu> wrote:
> > On 05/08/14 22:43, Philip Guenther wrote:
> >
> >> On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:59 PM, STeve Andre' <and...@msu.edu> wrote:
> >>
> >>  Twice now in three or so weeks, I've gotten a panic on my
> -current_amd64
> >>> W500 laptop.  I've updated my tree several times during this time, and
> >>> have
> >>> not seen other problems besides the known acpi heat problem.
> >>>
> >>>  Uh, what was the date of the cvs update of your kernel build when they
> >> started?  What was the cvs update date of your kernel before *that*?
> >>  (I.e,
> >> what's your best estimate of the window in which the change to the
> kernel
> >> which triggered the panic occurred?
> >>
> >> (What, you don't keep a log of the timestamps of your kernel
> >> updates+builds?  Doesn't everyone?)
> >>
> >
> > Actually, I do keep past kernels so I have the build date for them.
> > I *thought* I had some notes on when this started but I am
> > ashamed to see that I didn't put them in a safe place.
> Well, make your best, but conservative estimate of the window in which it
> started.  ("Certainly after _that_ kernel; not sure if before _this_ kernel
> but certainly before this+1...")
> I have both firefox and chrome running but I'm getting the feeling that
> >>
> >>> things
> >>> get more weird as I use lots of tabs in chrome.
> >>>
> >>>  You're pushing the vm subsystem enough to page.  Since you have 8GB, I
> >> wonder if you've raised yourkern.bufcachepercent, thus pushing on it
> >> harder.
> >>
> >
> > Nope, I try to avoid the knobs when possible.  It's been at 20%
> > ever since (bob?) raised it to 20%.
> >
> Ok.  I guess it's just memory pressure from chrome.
> > I don't think I'm swapping?  At least I haven't seen top tell me that.
> >
> > ...In the past (like a year+) ago, there were times when chrome
> > went crazy with memory and I did swap.  But chrome has gotten
> > better--I don't think I've seen it do that for some time now.
> Heh, the backtrace starts from "uvm_pageout" so yes, it decided to page
> something out.  :-)
> >  I'm not sure how well I can pin this down.  If I go too far back with
> > an older kernel I'll be out of sync with userland.  Any suggestions
> > on how to test this more?
> >
> I don't recall any kernel ABI changes in the window, but hold off for now.
>  Eyes more familiar with the involved subsystem may consider the backtrace
> you gave (thanks!) enough.
> Philip Guenther

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