On 07/01/2014 02:20 PM, Nick Holland wrote:
On 07/01/14 07:00, Gregory Edigarov wrote:

Just out for curiosity.
what is the fastest and lightest in cpu terms algorithm in ssh?
As someone who has worked with lots of really old and weak processors
(and still used the defaults)...I must ask, why?  If this matters to
you, I'd suggest getting a better computer, not dumbing-down SSH.  Yes,
using ssh on a 25mhz sparc is annoying, but then, so is almost
everything else you do on those machines.  A 20% change one way or
another won't change the annoying factor enough to worry about.

And maybe more important: why aren't you just testing what YOU care
about on YOUR system and answering your own question?  I suspect you may
see different answers on different processors and different tasks.
I.e., what matters? connection time?  throughput?  On the client or server?

And if you have difficulty answering, maybe the answer is "doesn't
really matter, just use the defaults".


because I need to scp some 90-100G of data from a VERY busy server over internet on a regular basis and I don't
want scp eat any cpu at all, which in case of encryption is unavoidable).

then, in the middle I have a firewall, that is out of my control, only allowing connections to 22 port to that server.

Hope my explanation is enough

With best regards,
         Gregory Edigarov

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