I'm looking for a distributed VC system where even remote clients with full(?) write access cannot, or at least would find it fairly difficult to, alter history?

rcs - trivial to change the past (also not distributed, and NFS is undesirable).
    cvs - reasonably easy to change the past, usually.
    svn - definitely possible (AFAIK) to change the past.
    bzr - unknown
    hg - unknown
    git - unknown
    everything else - unknown.

For this application, a file-oriented system would be preferred over a snapshot-oriented system like git.

I'm trying to combine (soft) WORM-like properties with the benefits of a version control system. Does not need to be utterly secure, merely needs to be "good enough" to deter both script-kiddie level attackers and inebriated sysadmins. CVS would be ideal except that access control is AFAIK basically ternary (none,read,write).

Should ideally be in packages or ports, obviously. We have a bunch of version control systems in ports that I've never even heard of before!

Suggestions on which one I should learn how to configure?

-Adam Thompson

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