On 2014-08-11, Stefan Olsson <stur...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a hard drive that crashed in some way or the other, and I'd like to see
> if I can access it, and ideally retrieve some of the files. I've connected it
> to a USB-bridge, but I fear it is beyond repair as it gets an error when I try
> to do disklabel: # disklabel sd1disklabel: ioctl DIOCGDINFO: Input/output
> error
> I also tried scan_ffs in different ways:# scan_ffs /dev/rsd1c scan_ffs: read:
> Input/output error# scan_ffs /dev/sd1c  
> scan_ffs: /dev/sd1c: No medium found
> # scan_ffs /dev/sd1  
> scan_ffs: /dev/sd1: No such file or directory
> # scan_ffs
> /dev/sd1a
> scan_ffs: /dev/sd1a: No medium found
> # scan_ffs /dev/rsd1a
> scan_ffs:
> /dev/rsd1a: No medium found
> -Should I just give up, or are there other options?
> Some info:# sysctl hw.disknameshw.disknames=sd0:1ea2ee1a14a6352d,cd0:,sd1:

What does 'fdisk sd1' say?

Have you used this USB bridge before? Does it work with a known-good disk?

FWIW (commercial software though), r-studio can read OpenBSD FFS. Might be
worth a try with the demo of that if you have access to a (Windows|Mac|Linux)
box to run it on.

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