Hi Matti,

Matti Karnaattu wrote on Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 08:57:30PM +0300:

> And if I understand correctly, priorities goes like this:
> simplicity > licensing purity > correctness > completeness

Most definitely not.

That's more than just a bit misleading.

None of these can be put into an unambiguous linear ordering.
To be of any use *qualitative* statements are required - and
if accompagnied by a clarifying qualitative statement, maybe
even the "is more important than" symbol is semi-acceptable:

 * fully free license > everything else
   New code will not be added to the tree unless fully free,
   whatever other qualities it may have, full stop.
   However, if the system as a whole critically depends on specific
   GPL code that already is in the tree and no way has yet been
   found to replace it, it will remain for now (example: binutils).

 * correctness > completeness
   Usually, bugs should be fixed before adding features.
   However, it does occasionally happen that specific features are
   so urgently needed that implementing them takes precendence over
   fixing some non-critical bugs.
   Also, when talking about standards, the very fact that a feature
   is missing can be a bug.

 * correctness > simplicity
   Fixing bugs is more urgent than refactoring for simplicity.
   However, keeping and making interfaces and code simple is very
   important, too, because useless complexity almost always causes
   bugs and harms usability.

 * completeness > simplicity
   If a feature is really useful and much needed, it should be added
   even if it entails some additional complexity:  In this case,
   the complexity is required by the task to be solved.
   However, we rarely add non-standard features to standard (e.g.
   POSIX) utilities because standardization is quite important.
   Also, we don't add features that are of little usefulness.

Even though simplicity seems to figure *last* in my ordering, it
is still a highly important goal (and a personal favourite).  And
yes, that is one of the things making OpenBSD special.  Most other
projects seem to assign no value whatsoever to simplicity and
sacrificy it to almost anything, including rank growth and lazyness.
We make sure we reach our goals (in that sense, freedom, correctness,
and completeness still take precendence), but only accept as much
complexity as required by the goals, not more.

Note that some critical project goals are missing from your list,
most notably

 * usability
 * standard-conformance
 * security
 * portability

Please don't try to rank these.  It won't work.  Most are qualitatively,
essentially different, incommensurable.  Many have intricate
inter-dependencies, like "correctness is almost impossible without
simplicity", "security is impossible without correctness", "usablity
is unavoidably low without simplicity", "correctness is almost
pointless without usability" and so on.

We only call it success when we reach a high level of *all* of these.


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