On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 10:06:29AM -0500, Boris Goldberg wrote:

> Hello misc,
>   I'm using i386 5.4-stable (GENERIC.MP) with user quotas (only) set on one
> FS (it's default FS, nothing special). The grace period is 7 days, edquota
> -t confirms it. It works fine if I create/chown files from shell, but
> changes to "none" right away with every day operations (twice already).
>   The box have rebooted after quotas where set, so the quotacheck did run.
>   This might have something to do with the fact that this is a mail server,
> and mail is being delivered by root (by procmail to maildirs if it makes a
> difference). I've found an old Otto's message about something remotely
> related.
>   Does someone have deeper understanding of this situation or experienced
> something similar?
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Boris                          mailto:bo...@twopoint.com

Grace moves to "none" if you go above the hard limit. If mail delivery
is done by root, quota's are not enforced, so you can go over the hard
limit, nulling the grace period.

This is a problem I solved a long time ago by using a patch the do
local mail delivery as a specific user, but that diff was never


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