We should have our own Phone OS. :D :) just like Nokia 3310 series. I
 would like that .

just call , sms, and alarm.

I make living making android apps also but i hope SDK don't come to OpenBSD.

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk>

> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=132934643309355&w=2
> That thread mentions getting the Android emulator running and creating
> a hello world program on OpenBSD but I think required? linux emulation
> and so i386 and copying from a linux install.
> A recent Intellij is in ports which Android Studio Beta is based on and
> whilst I hope Gnome/KDE requirments for Linux are mis-prints and not on
> the OSX version maybe there's a chance it will work without Linux
> emulation like netbeans does compared to the pain of recompiling
> eclipse.

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