On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Tor Houghton <t...@bogus.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Dumb question: I'm running 'sudo ntpd -s' as part of a remote command to an
>> OpenBSD guest[*]; unless I add a 'pkill sshd' to the end of the remote
>> command, e.g.
>>   ssh guesthost 'sudo pkill -9 ntpd && sudo ntpd -s && date && pkill sshd'
>> the ssh connection won't disconnect. Why is this ('sudo ntpd -s' by itself,
>> in a shell, returns a prompt)?
> By itself, one of the ntpd daemons will keep open the stdin/out/err it
> was started with, which in this case will be the pipe or tty created
> by of the ssh server.
> The easiest solution (if there isn't a virtualbox toolset) is to use
> the rc.d framework, which will handle the fds:
>     ssh guesthost '/etc/rc.d.ntpd restart'

You might also want to consider doing this via /etc/apmd/resume
instead.  See apmd(8) for details.

> and put the -s in ntpd_flags in rc.conf.local

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