On Wed, Oct 08, 2014 at 09:45:59PM +0200, Jind??ich K????a wrote:
> Hello list,
> Trying to install amd64 snapshot on MacBookPro 11,1. Boot process stops on 
> message: scsibus1at softraid0: 256 targets. After minute or more the install 
> program appear. But keyboard do not work. I tried to use another USB 
> keyboard, but its same. In pckbc(4) is written, that device flags should be 
> changed. I can use keyboard to go into boot_config, but in UKC I lost 
> keyboard too?it just blinking? no possibility to write even with external USB 
> keyboard.
> Thanks much for hint!
> Jindra

Some modern systems no longer emulate the legacy i8042 controller,
which is fine if there is a USB keyboard. Unfortunately, some newer
systems also lack the ehci(4) USB 2.0 controller and it's companions,
uhci(4) and ohci(4). Your Apple system may only include USB 3.0, or
an "xHCI" controller, which support is still being worked on.

The keyboard works at the boot> prompt because boot(8) is using
BIOS services which are emulated by Apple's EFI firmware.

The future is encroaching, but we're catching up. Hold on! :-)


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