On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Alan McKay <alan.mc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I'm experiencing some really bizarre behavior with tar when trying to
> pass it a list of files with the -I option, and I want to look at the
> source code but alas it is not in the tree that I can find.
> Yet the machine having the issue was built on this very same build machine.
> I'd expect it to be here :
> root@openbsd-build32
> /usr/src # which tar
> /bin/tar
> root@openbsd-build32
> /usr/src/bin # ls
> CVS           chio          date          echo          kill
> md5           pax           rm            stty
> Makefile      chmod         dd            ed            ksh
> mkdir         ps            rmail         sync
> Makefile.inc  cp            df            expr          ln
> mt            pwd           rmdir         systrace
> cat           csh           domainname    hostname      ls
> mv            rcp           sleep         test
> root@openbsd-build32
> /usr/src # find . -name tar
> thanks,
> -Alan

It's src/bin/pax

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