On 13-10-2014 19:12, Mike Larkin wrote:
> isabling random parts of the kernel without understanding what you are
> is certainly smoking crack. I doubt you heard "disable mpbios" as a valid
> solution from any OpenBSD developer.
No I didn't. I found it on a very old article, refering to OpenBSD 4.8
if I'm not mistaken. I followed the issue to some extent, IIRC it had
something to do with the seabios that is used with qemu. And, since I
needed my machines to proper shutdown, I tried that and it worked.
> The fix for this issue went in after 5.5. So if you don't want to update to
> -current, I'd ask that you don't advise other people to follow you down
> untested/unsupported paths.
When you mentioned April, I figured it didn't went in on 5.5. Just as a
note, I've been doing this since 5.4, and on several machines, with the
most varied host/guest configuration, so I can't really say that I
didn't tested. It might be unsupported, but it does the job. If the OP
follows my advice and it works, better for him. If not, then he can just
enable mpbios again on his kernel and try something else.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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