There are many posts on this problem; and the reason is understood.

To me, the FAQ 10.16 seems wrong:

Log Rotation: Normally, logs are rotated by renaming the old files, 
then sending httpd(8) a SIGUSR1 signal to cause Apache to close its old
log files and open new ones. This is no longer possible, as httpd(8) has
no ability to open log files for writing once privileges are dropped.
httpd(8) must be stopped and restarted:
# apachectl stop && apachectl start

This is all I get here:
# apachectl stop && 
/usr/sbin/apachectl stop: httpd stopped
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd (pid 18132) already running

In the end, it doesn't restart; leaving the users out until I wait and
restart httpd

And the log isn't rotated neither. Chances are, the author meant something
# apachectl stop
# [newsyslog or similar]
# apachectl start

If the text in the FAQ just kills httpd, it ought to be corrected, AFAICS.

Could you please share your preferred methods to rotate the
/var/www/logs/, ?



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