your diff got stripped when sending to this list. i did a fix which has now 
been committed to the tree as src/usr.bin/tftp/tftp.c r1.24.

thanks for the report :)


> On 21 Oct 2014, at 10:28, Justin Mayes <> wrote:
> I could. My original problem was with cisco rommon tftpdnld command as client 
> failing talking to tftpd. I just notice the tftp client problem while testing 
> locally. After this I intend to go back and make tftpd work with whatever 
> cisco client is doing. Since that’s a two byte field in the rfc there is no 
> way I know of that tftpd or any other server can get more than 65536 in there 
> so all they can do is rollover. The only thing I can think is maybe cisco 
> client starts at 1 rather than 0. A tcpdump will tell me in a little while. 
> This is more of a learning experience for me. I want to go through motions of 
> getting source, debugging some issue with gdb, updating the code, build and 
> all that. I've done that many times in windows world but not in any unix like 
> Oses. So far the exercise is a success in that I learned a ton and if that 
> diff was worth anything to anyone, even better. Thanks for the tip tho James, 
> its good advice.
> J
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James A. Peltier [] 
> Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 5:34 PM
> To: Justin Mayes
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Making tftp download large files from tftpd
> ----- Original Message -----
> | I will spare you all the backstory but I found that tftp could not 
> | download files over 32 mb by default from tftpd. I know you can pass 
> | blocksize to tftpd to handle much larger files but I was originally 
> | working with a client where this wasn't possible. Tftp protocol has 2 
> | bytes for block number which put a
> | 65535 limit on that. tftpd data doesn't care and will just roll that 
> | over back to 0 and keep sending data. Tftp client fails when there is 
> | block number roll over because it is tracking all the blocks with an 
> | int so ends up comparing its block counter which is now at 65536 to 
> | what comes off the network, 0 and quits. I updated the tftp client 
> | code to use same data type as the network side structs are using  - 
> | u_int16_t. Now tftp counter rolls along with server and can send file 
> | of any size with or without a blocksize change. I feel like this is 
> | mostly pointless but doesn't hurt anything. Will gladly provide the 
> | actuall diffs. I have to look into that process for openbsd but just 
> | wanted to check with the group first in case there was a reason an int 
> | was used that I do not understand.
> | 
> | J
> Or you could chainload iPXE to allow for the downloading of your file over 
> HTTP which is much faster than TFTP to begin with.  This is indeed what we do.
> --
> James A. Peltier
> IT Services - Research Computing Group
> Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
> Phone   : 778-782-6573
> Fax     : 778-782-3045
> E-Mail  :
> Website :
> Twitter : @sfu_rcg
> Powering Engagement Through Technology

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