On Tue, 21 Oct 2014, Vladislav Manchev wrote:

I asked a similar question on the list a few days ago and seems I'll be
using a hardware RAID controller with softraid CRYPTO on top after all.

It may be an option for you too I guess.

Yeah, I probably should do hardware RAID for my server at home. At work it doesn't matter since there is no FDE and most if not all machines have hardware RAID controllers.

In the past I've always liked doing software RAID for RAID1 since the OS can see the actual drives and start complaining if there is a problem with one of them. With hardware RAID you have to rely on the controller figuring it out and some utility to probe the controller. RAID5 and 6 are obviously always best on a hardware RAID controller for performance reasons.

My main issue at home is my firewall which is a Mini-ITX machine with only one expansion slot which has a network card in it so hardware RAID won't be happening there.

Now that I'm thinking about it though, I should probably skip the crypto for the firewall and just use non-sensitive passwords. My only real worry if the firewall is stolen is that they could possibly decrypt the passwords on it since there isn't any other possibly interesting infomation on it. Not like I have much interesting information on my server either but I still don't want to worry if my machines are stolen or something.

Hmmm.  Thanks again for helping me think through my options!


John Merriam - refugee from the land of systemd

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