On Thu, 23 Oct 2014 21:24:56 +0000 (UTC), Stuart Henderson wrote:

>On 2014-10-23, Rod Whitworth <glis...@witworx.com> wrote:
>> Years ago I bought a Minitar VoIP ATA and it was great.
>> Then SWMBO wanted one too and I set up siproxd which mostly worked.
>> Then I go two global IPs and put one ATA/Phone on each. Perfect! No Siproxd!
>> Now I am about to need those 2 IPs.
>> Neither phone needs to recieve incoming calls.
>> Anybody using some of the more recent additions inthe Telephony ports?
>> Ones to avoid or ones to love?
>> Thanx,

>I would first try it with standard NAT. It depends on the exact setup
>on both sides, but it's common for VoIP providers these days to handle
>various NAT based configurations in their border controllers or SIP
>servers - the first troubleshooting step from their side would often
>be to *disable* any "nat helpers".

>If that's no good, try restricting each ATA/phone to a different RTP
>port range and port-forward them.

None of the STUN etc that have arrived, since I last looked, any good?


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