On Fri 24/10 11:29, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
Hi Ingo,

> Almost certainly not unneeded; Marc Espie@ has spent a lot of effort
> on getting that right.  At least, you don't show any evidence for
> that claim, or for any bug in this area.
My bad; I should have said "maybe unneeded?"...

> packages(7):
>   The full version (package name and dependency names) is known as the
>   `update signature', and can be queried with pkg_info -S, for packages,
>   or make print-update-signature for ports.
> So, packages are automatically updated when new versions are available
> compiled again newer libraries or newer dependencies, even if the
> Makefile of the package itself (and hence its own version number)
> did not change.  That prevents .libs-* packages from needlessly
> accumulating on your system.

Got it; the "concept" of package signature was in fact obscure to me.

Thanks a lot for your precious clarifications.

All the best

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