Jan Stary, 30 Oct 2014 10:25:
> Ah, so you completely reinstalled? Then you have a fresh system
> where there are no lost+found directories. These are only created
> when fsck needs to reattach UNREF files.

these are the last lines of fsck i can see:

/dev/sd0a (65714a12cd3919f3.a): UNREF FILE I=2182994  OWNER=f MODE=100600
/dev/sd0a: SIZE=12070 MTIME=Oct 29 23:35 2014  (CLEARED)
/dev/sd0a (65714a12cd3919f3.a): FREE BLK COUNT(S) WRONG IN SUPERBLK (SALVAGED)
/dev/sd0a (65714a12cd3919f3.a): SUMMARY INFORMATION BAD (SALVAGED)
/dev/sd0a (65714a12cd3919f3.a): BLK(S) MISSING IN BIT MAPS (SALVAGED)
/dev/sd0a (65714a12cd3919f3.a): 375626 files, 5521342 used, 10992840 free (6488 
frags, 1373294 blocks, 0.0% fragmentation)
/dev/sd0a (65714a12cd3919f3.a): MARKING FILE SYSTEM CLEAN

$ ls /
altroot/ boot     bsd.rd   dev/     etc/     mnt/     sbin/    tmp/     var/
bin/     bsd      bsd.sp   emul/    home/    root/    sys@     usr/

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