Uwe Dippel wrote:
Could you please share your preferred methods to rotate the
/var/www/logs/, ?

Not the best way I am sure, but for 7 years now on servers that run multiple virtual sites, all of them with their own logs and a few of them getting a few millions hits a day, I simply use

cp access access.processing
echo -n > access

And then process my access.processing as I see fit, archive them in a compress form after the fact, etc.

All done from a cronjob that obviously process each different log files and yes may be I am loose one entry in the log files between the cp and empty of it, but it works for me very well. The reason is that I simply couldn't shutdown the server as there was way to much traffic and when php and mysql is configure on it with some perl scripts for some stats, simply doing a restarts wasn't good, but a stop was needed and wait for a second or two at time was needed before doing the restart, or it wasn't working.

So, your mileage may vary and I will sure not say it's the best or proper way to do so, but it work and yes I am sure many will provide plenty of argument against it, many of witch may well be strong arguments, but it works for me in the end.

Is that really bad, I never really asked if that was so bad doing so. So, I can't say. May be that would be the time to asked as well, but yes the results of it is that I may loose a few records in the process. Will that kill the validity of the stats, I don't think so, but you may see it differently. Way to many manager argue as to what the stats mean in the first place to even start to understand what difference it may mean to have a few missing from it. (:>



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