On Mon, Nov 03, 2014 at 01:13:40AM +0100, Stefan Krüger wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a PC Engines APU board with a Compex WLE200NX miniPCI-e wifi card
> running in hostap mode (11g).
> root@apu:/var/log # dmesg | grep athn0
> athn0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR9281" rev 0x01: apic 2 int 19
> athn0: AR9280 rev 2 (2T2R), ROM rev 22, address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
> root@apu:/var/log # ifconfig athn0
>         lladdr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>         priority: 4
>         groups: wlan
>         media: IEEE802.11 autoselect mode 11g hostap
>         status: active
>         ieee80211: nwid obsd chan 7 bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx wpakey 0x...
>         wpaprotos wpa2 wpaakms psk wpaciphers ccmp wpagroupcipher ccmp
>         powersave on (100ms sleep)
>         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
> It's rather unstable though:
> root@apu:/var/log # zgrep "athn0: device" messages*
> messages:Nov  3 01:08:40 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages:Nov  2 00:41:22 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages:Nov  2 02:20:06 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages:Nov  2 03:11:03 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages:Nov  2 19:56:36 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages.0.gz:Oct 26 22:06:44 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages.0.gz:Oct 27 02:17:05 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages.0.gz:Oct 31 11:10:40 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages.0.gz:Oct 31 20:48:43 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages.0.gz:Nov  1 13:48:04 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages.2.gz:Oct 14 18:26:52 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> messages.3.gz:Oct 12 20:35:53 apu /bsd: athn0: device timeout
> I also see constant increasing error counters (even if there's no traffic
> visible via tcpdump):
> root@apu:/var/log # netstat -i -I athn0 5
> athn0 in      athn0 out              total in      total out            
>  packets  errs  packets  errs colls   packets  errs  packets  errs colls
>  1190195 171127  2642652  4337     0  10759655 171127  8935403  4337     0
>      265     8     1096     0     0      2675     8     1845     0     0
>      129    14      826     0     0      2011    14     1323     0     0
>      630    15     1923     0     0      4696    15     3403     0     0
>      322    14      894     0     0      2319    14     1738     0     0
>      586    18     1244     0     0      3658    18     2956     0     0
>      404    14      437     0     0      2021    14     1916     0     0
>       15    40       13     0     0       548    40      538     0     0
> Anyone else seeing this? Any idea how I could fix this?

Yes (04/05/2014 BIOS on the APU, same wifi card, a couple of dev
timeouts per month, 1.2% errs/packets). No (and not worried about it
either). IIRC it wasn't much different on a Soekris net4801 with a
different athn card...

> Thanks.
> PS: OpenBSD 5.6 amd64, bsd is bsd.mp


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