On Thu, Nov 06, 2014 at 08:40:39AM -0800, scott wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've tried unsuccessfully over the last two releases to upgrade my desktop 
> using bsd.rd/http set retrieval.
> What I've done:
> cd /
> cp bsd.rd bsd.old.rd
> ftp http://ftp5.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.6/i386/bsd.rd # yes, my arch is 
> i386
> reboot
> boot>boot bsd.rd
> Then I begin the upgrade process, and when I get to set selection I follow 
> the same procedure as shown in:
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html#InstMedia (FAQ 4.5.4), coincidentally 
> having the same mirror being
> closest to me.
> At this point, I get the "couldn't find sets" error (sorry, I don't remember 
> the exact verbiage). The versions
> looked for were correct, base56.tgz, for example. I tried a few other 
> mirrors, all with the same result.
> I'd appreciate any help :)
> -Scott

When you boot bsd.rd, are there any network interfaces configured? What
do you see when you run ifconfig after booting the bsd.rd kernel?

Something like this happened to me when I configured a trunk interface
to access the internet. Since bsd.rd doesn't (didn't?) do trunk, I had
to configure a network interface before I could download any sets.

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