On Wed Nov 12 2014 05:04:02 GMT+0100 (CET), Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> I am running amd 5.6 and playing little bit with sysutils/symon
> Thinks are looking good and I have close to 100 MB of data in 
> /var/www/symon/rrds/localhost
> I am trying to plot the data using syweb. I am sure that my installation
> of php_fpm and nginx is works correctly as I am nfsen working properly.
> Pointing browser
> http://localhost/syweb/configtest.php
> Gives 
> Testing rrdtool: 
> apache or php setup faulty: cannot execute /bin/rrdtool

Note here the path '/bin/rrdtool' not '/var/www/...'

> However I did copy rrdtool binaries to /var/www/bin/ and they have
> correct permission.

Right, but how do you know that's what is being used. Have you tried a symlink 
from bin...? I assume it is a webapp script that calls rrdtool, does it have a 
conf to say where to find it?

HTH, george
> I am just wondering if syweb works with Nginx or require Apache as the
> setup.inc
> indicates.
> Thanks,
> Predrag
> P.S. I also found phpSymon 
> http://ryanflannery.net/hacking/phpsymon/
> which looks dormant. Any other alternatives?


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