On 2014-11-13, Bogdan Andu <bo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Are Perl scripts in FastCGI evaluated in same manner like in mod_perl, or
> everytime a script is invoked by the server the Perl interpreter is invoked
> also ?

If you run them via slowcgi, the interpreter+script will be started from
scratch each time.

To have a persistent Perl process, convert your script to talk FastCGI
directly (see ports/www/fcgi) or via PSGI and a fastcgi adapter, or use
some framework that supports it (in Perl-land you might want to look at
frameworks like Mojolicious, Dancer etc).

> I want to setup a 5.6 machine and test all these cool stuff but for the moment
> I don't have access to such machine and I would like to see what other poeple
> experienced with this httpd(8) daemon .

httpd was *very* new in 5.6, you want something newer (-current, or
keep your eye out for patches). If you want to play with fcgi before
updating, nginx and lighttpd support it natively, and apache via a
module - it isn't something new, it has been around for years, it's
pretty much the only standard way to handle cgi-like scripting in a
non-forking webserver. Config methods differ, but scripts should be
portable between all the various http servers.

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