I just upgrade from 5.5 to 5.6 on i386 and apcupsd won't recognize my UPS 
plugged into a USB port.  On 5.5 the UPS was attached to ugen0 but on 5.6 it 
say uhidev0.  Apcupsd mentions that the uhidev0 device type won't work.  I see 
that I can get some info from sensord (which is cool).  Any suggestions for 
getting the UPS working with apcupds?

Oct 22 16:16:42 builder02 /bsd: ugen0 at uhub1 port 1 "American Power 
Conversion Smart-UPS 1500 FW:601.3.D USB FW:1.3" rev 1.10/0.06 addr 2

Nov 20 08:54:27 builder02 /bsd: uhidev0 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 
interface 0 "American Power Conversion Smart-UPS 1500 FW:601.3.D USB FW:1.3" 
rev 1.10/0.06 addr 2

-Steve S.

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