On 01/12/14(Mon) 15:41, Scott Bonds wrote:
> While investigating the slow hard drive on my MacbookAir6,1, I decided
> to take a working installation of -current (20141201 snapshot) on a USB
> drive and try booting it on the MBA6,1. I discovered that booting off of
> a usb drive (with a full install, i.e. bsd.mp NOT bsd.rd) hangs once the
> boot reaches this line:
> uhub0 at usb0 "Intel xHCI root hub" rev 3.00/1.00 addr 1
> This behavior manifests while using a 'normal' boot--I did not use the
> OSX bless utility to get the builtin USB controller into ehci mode
> instead of xhci mode. When I *do* do that (use bless to set the usb
> controller into ehci mode) the boot progresses to:
> scsibus4 at softraid0: 256 targets
> then pauses there for 5 minutes, then proceeds to boot just fine. When
> booting this way, I observe the same pauses/slowness when operating on
> the builtin hard drive as mentioned in the thread I started on that
> topic:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=141747241629431&w=2
> Anyway, I mention the xhci boot hang behaviour because I know xhci
> development is active, and I thought this result may be
> interesting/useful for that.

Such long hang generally means that timeouts are occurring.  If you
can compile a kernel with XHCI_DEBUG and UHUB_DEBUG defined and send
me a dmesg, it will be much appreciated.


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