
I need a little bit of help with 'dialog'.
I am working on the script to add a developer to our system:


exec 3>&1

# Store data to $VALUES variable
VALUES=$(dialog --ok-label "Add" \
      --backtitle "Add a developer" \
      --title "Useradd" \
      --form "Create a new developer" \
15 70 0 \
    "Username:"                1 1    "login name"     1 10 20 0 \
    "Realname:"           2 1     "real name"    2 10 30 100 \
    "E-Mail:"             3 1    "e-mail"      3 10 30 100 \
    "Project:"                  4 1     "project"       4 10 30 100 \
"GIT Url:" 5 1 "url of git repository" 5 10 30 100 \ "DB dump:" 6 1 "url of database dump" 6 10 40 100 \
    "Ssh privkey:"            7 1    "ssh private key"    7 10 40 2048 \
    "Ssh pubkey:"            8 1    "ssh public key"    8 10 40 2048 \
2>&1 1>&3)

# close fd
exec 3>&-

echo $VALUES
# display values just entered
user=$(echo $VALUES |cut -f1 -d' ')
rname=$(echo $VALUES |cut -f2 -d' ')
email=$(echo $VALUES |cut -f3 -d' ')
git=$(echo $VALUES | cut -f4 -d' ')
dburl=$(echo $VALUES |cut -f5 -d' ')
privkey=$(echo $VALUES |cut -f6 -d' ')
pubkey=$(echo $VALUES |cut -f7 -d' ')

(it's a test to look at the possibilities offered).

now, I want some of the fields (for example the later 2) to be of a different type from just the plain inputfield, for example, inputbox. from what I see, I have to split the form into three steps, like: ask the first 5 fields at once, store values, then have two separate forms for keys.

but that is not the way I want it to be like.
I know that zenity can easily do what i want, but it is an X application, and I need it to be terminal/(n)curses application.

do i have any more options rather then split dialogue into two or more steps?

With best regards,
        Gregory Edigarov

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