Alan McKay [] wrote:
> This is very interesting - I've been looking at various small boxes
> like this to use as a home firewall.
> The only problem is that not many of them have 2 NICs, and the ones
> that do are very expensive (higher end Zotac)
> Does anyone know of a similar device with 2 NICs that might be
> suitable as a home firewall?
> What about one of the Open Firmware firewalls like ASUS?  Is there an
> OpenBSD load for those?  Instead of Tomato or the likes ...

A lot of these $40 routers are based on some kind of MIPS CPU.

For ones that lack MMU or floating-point, Linux is it.

Other ones that have MMU and FP can run OpenBSD, although significant
porting effort is required. And they have 8MB to 16MB flash, which means
you are running a ramdisk kernel and that's about it.

The Octeon port supports the Ubiquiti $99 USD model but you don't get
local storage until USB is finished. That is a more ideal platform
for a complete OpenBSD environment.


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