On Thu, 05 Jun 2014 22:36:37 -0600
Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:

There's something fairly weaselous about this all... this:
> didn't want to notify you.  You might be right about OpenSSL maintainers
> (although I think you are not) - I just don't know, and can't speak for
> them - but at least for me (as someone who was notified via distros
> list) it appeared that you actually didn't want your team to be notified
> in a manner that would impose any restrictions on when you can commit a
> fix.  So, believe it or not, it didn't even occur to me to put your
> project in a position where your folks would be asked to accept an
> embargo, which you didn't want.

is not a technical discussion.  It is about the politics being 
imposed up open systems.  

> Would you like me to suggest 

What I'd like to suggest is that counsel not meant for 
all ears is worthy of none.

Dhu (good call, T)

Ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco.

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