On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 2:48 AM, Max Power <open...@cpnetserver.net> wrote:
> I have a CRYPTO - RAID 1 softraid device /dev/sd4a [3TB OpenBSD 5.6/amd64]
> on which I have about 1,400,000 files and I've never had problems reading
> or writing. If, however, launch the tree command, eg. tree c *, returns me:
> tree: invalid root node: name_of_file.

: morgaine; tree
/bin/ksh: tree: not found
: morgaine;

So this is a program from some port?  What does the documentation for
program say about that error message?

> I tried to run a fsck and this is the result

Huh, an error message from a random program makes you fsck your disks?
 That seems like an overreaction to me.  As far as we know, you're
just invoking it with the wrong arguments...

Philip Guenther

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