On 12/9/14, Maurice McCarthy <m...@mythic-beasts.com> wrote:
> Check out http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html#MkCD-ROM
> and faq13.
> It reads:
> # cdio tao cd56.iso

Thanks Maurice and Dennis for point me to the FAQ on
cdio(1) usage.

Richard Toohey was first to respond in private with the
hint as well.

I didn't want to "muddy" the unbootable iso image issue
with cdio(1) usage, so I didn't mention that I had tried
the following based on reading cdio(1) man-page:

$ sudo cdio -v -f /dev/rcd0c  tao -d install56.iso
0x0000 Profile List (60 bytes of data)
  * 0x0009 Write once Compact Disc [Current Profile]
0x0001 Core (8 bytes of data)
0x0002 Morphing (4 bytes of data)
0x0003 Removable Medium (4 bytes of data)
0x0021 Incremental Streaming Writable (8 bytes of data)
0x002d CD Track at Once (TAO) (4 bytes of data)
0x002e CD Mastering (Session at Once) (4 bytes of data)
0x0100 Power Management
0x0105 Timeout (4 bytes of data)
0x0107 Real Time Streaming (4 bytes of data)
0x0108 Drive Serial Number (12 bytes of data)
0x010c Firmware Information (16 bytes of data)
cdio: mode select failed: 3

I just assumed I was missing something subtle in its
usage or perhaps another needed tool. I should have
verified with the FAQ indeed.


> Regards

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