On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:07:35PM +0900, Joel Rees wrote:
> I have got Japanese input running and useable, by installing the packages
> ja-fonts-gnu
> ja-sazanami-ttf
> ja-mplus-ttf
> ibus-anthy
> with pkg_add . I'm not comfortable that this is the most optimal way
> to do it, but it allows me to work on an openbsd box.

Also, if you're comfortable with editors/emacs, it has Japanese input
method as well. Check set-input-method command.
Here's the setup I used for that:


urxvt*font:     xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=20,\
                xft:Sazanami Mincho
export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8

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