Rather than discuss provider by provider, when looking for an OpenBSD VPS,
look for KVM.  OpenBSD runs on virtually any KVM provider and there are
many, at both the low $3-4/month end and at the high end.  I've run OpenBSD
on KVM for several years at a variety of providers.

OpenBSD obviously does not run on OpenVZ or Virtuozzo (as they are only
virtualizing the OS, not the machine).  With Xen, it depends as there are a
couple different modes, but in the commercial marketplace, it seems most
providers are supporting Linux only.

Some providers (DO, Vultr, 6sync, etc.) are setup to only handle Linux but
under the hood they'e running KVM and there is no technical barrier, though
they may not want to support BSD.  Other providers (AWS, Azure, etc.) are
using internally modified Xen which may or may not provide full machine
virtualization.  People run FreeBSD at AWS and Azure, though I have not yet
heard of anyone running OpenBSD there.

OpenBSD also runs fine in VMware's server products but I haven't seen a lot
of providers using that.

In short - the list of VPS providers who can support OpenBSD is actually
very big.

Andrew Fabbro

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