On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 7:51 AM, Peter Hessler <phess...@theapt.org> wrote:
> On 2014 Dec 19 (Fri) at 07:35:28 +0000 (+0000), C. L. Martinez wrote:
> :b) OpenBSD/amd64: set up vio flags to 0x02
> The man page for vio(4) says:
>      Setting the bit 0x2 in the flags disables the RingEventIndex feature.
>      This can be tried as a workaround for possible bugs in host
>      implementations of vio at the cost of slightly reduced performance.
> What bugs in the host implementation, which versions are affected, how
> bad is the performance hit, and should this be the default?

Yep, sorry Peter, you are right: OpenBSD 5.6 release.

And, when some weeks ago I have tried to copy several files (4 GiB)
using virtio for nics and disks, I've got the same problem like
Michael describes here:


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