On 2014-12-29, Clemens Gößnitzer <e1126...@student.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
> Hey,
>>Since your initial email you have not included any config files, i.e.
>>httpd.conf, etc. Would you, perhaps, care to share them with us? My
>>shew stone is being serviced.
> Of course. Here they are:
> # cat /etc/httpd.conf
> server "default" {
>         listen on wpi0 port 80
>         directory { no index, index index.php }
>         location "*.php" {
>                 fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
>         }
> }
> types {
>         include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types"
> }
> /etc/php-5.5.ini: everything default except the values mentioned in the
> pkg-readme of owncloud:
> allow_url_fopen = On
> memory_limit = 512M
> upload_max_filesize = 1024M      # to accept large files upload
> post_max_size = 1030M            # sync with above value
> all other php module config files unchanged, and active according to
> phpinfo().
> # cat /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php
> $CONFIG = array (
>   'instanceid' => 'MY_ID',
>   'passwordsalt' => 'MY_PW-SALT',
>   'secret' => 'MY_SECRECT',
>   'trusted_domains' =>
>   array (
>     0 => '',
>   ),
>   'datadirectory' => '/owncloud-data',
>   'overwrite.cli.url' => '',
>   'dbtype' => 'sqlite3',
>   'version' => '',
>   'dbname' => 'owncloud_db',
>   'dbhost' => '',
>   'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_',
>   'dbuser' => 'oc_clemens',
>   'dbpassword' => 'MY_DB-PASSWORD',
>   'installed' => true,
> );

Was the sqlite database created? 'installed => true' means that it
assumes that the database is functional and it will not be initialized.
Also you will not need the hostname, user, db prefix, etc. with sqlite.

Also make sure that you don't need any url rewrites. I'm using
owncloud-6.0.4 and the documentation recommends url rewrites which are
not mandatory for owncloud to work but perhaps this changed in the new
version. Perhaps you should try with nginx and the recommended
configuration and see if it works and then go back to httpd.

Best regards,

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